

Explaining our project is not a simple thing, basically because it wasn’t born with a declared objective and because it has no target to follow.

Cycling is the background of our life, the passion for this sport is the only engine – other than the legs – that drives us every day to get involved, thinking about challenges and new places to explore, that’s why we created #ASSAULTOFREEDOM.

Two different boys with the same vision on a hard and sacrificial sport, Stefano La Mastra aka Stefano LA and Alberto Bianchi aka ilBianki, put together by chance, thanks to the passion for bike, without competition towards others but with many ambitions on themselves, alone, with legs that scream, the heart that beats but above all the head that travels, free, in that moment of evasion that is pure adrenaline.

Thus was born the idea of creating a group, to unite people with the same passion and above all to unhinge some small taboo: how many of us train with guilt? How many do a bike ride feeling nearly like a thief, thinking about stealing time from family, boyfriends, work and everything around us?

But, we can’t do without it, right? And then one wonders if it is really worth getting scared by these paranoia, continuing to feeling braked and inhibited by these limits and these labels that only serve to deprive ourselves of freedom…because we must be able to pursue…our freedom.